Our Campuses

Upper School Campus

South Sheridan Way Campus: Cultivating Excellence for Upper School

Our South Sheridan Way Campus heralds a new era of learning for our Upper School students. Designed to inspire, our modern facilities foster creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration, setting the stage for students to thrive.

Complementing our cutting-edge physical infrastructure, our passionate MacLachlan educators stand ready to guide students on their educational voyage. With innovative teaching methodologies, they equip our students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for success beyond our school's walls.

Grade 7 - 8

The intermediate curriculum lays the foundation for high school by focusing on higher-order thinking, inquiry, integration, and international awareness.
While eager to embrace the teen years, MacLachlan recognizes the need for Grade 7 and 8 students to learn how to manage increasing academic demands and higher expectations for independence, responsibility, and accountability.

Higher-order thinking includes building skills in analysis, critical thinking, synthesis, problem-solving and evaluation using several different learning and teaching techniques. Not only do we help smooth the academic transition from the Primary Years Programme, but we also help ease the transition socially and emotionally, fostering a solid foundation which they can use as a springboard into the high school years.


The Intermediate School curriculum at MacLachlan is balanced with rigour and innovation, while making connections to the greater world.
The Intermediate School curriculum at MacLachlan is balanced with rigour and innovation, while making connections to the greater world. The academic programming provides a smooth transition from the PYP program to the high school program.  Students continue to thrive in inquiry-based learning while also adapting to the language and skills used in the Advanced Placement classes later in their Upper School career. 

All Intermediate students take Learning Strategies, a course designed to develop tools and essential skills. The course helps students to continue to build confidence and motivation to pursue opportunities for success in secondary school and beyond.

Our guidance and career education program begins in Grade 7 to help each student gain greater awareness and understanding of themselves, their educational goals and career options. In addition, MacLachlan Diploma Advisors are available throughout the year to meet with each Grade 7 and 8 students to review Individual Pathway Plans (IPP) and MacLachlan College Diploma achievements as well as provide guidance and support towards their future educational goals.

Grade 9 - 12

MacLachlan’s academic record is superb, and our results come from our expectation that every student focuses on achieving their best. Our experience is that students rise to challenges and embrace success when they are given the resources, attention, and opportunity. Our students are provided all of these and more.
Our Upper School is a dynamic and inclusive community where students are accepted for who they are and where teachers guide and facilitate learning by creating real-world connections. In small classes, teachers and students get to know each other well, providing opportunities to go beyond by delivering unique programs, activities, enrichment opportunities, individualized guidance, and support to provide a highly personal and engaging experience.

Just as colleges and universities have embraced innovation and active learning environments, MacLachlan has transformed traditional classrooms into creative hubs that motivate critical thinking and collaboration. These active learning classrooms enable students and teachers to work in partnership to connect existing knowledge to new thinking.

MacLachlan students are also afforded the opportunity to develop skills that transcend academics. Leadership, character development, community outreach, outdoor education and international service trips are an integral part of their learning experience and development into thoughtful and confident well-rounded individuals.


From the moment your child walks into their classroom, they are welcomed into an environment where they are empowered to learn and eager to succeed.
The core skills and knowledge gained in the intermediate years are now applied and expanded in the upper years. As a university-preparatory school, we emphasize the establishment and improvement of key skills to ensure our students are well-prepared for the challenging post-secondary environment.

We offer Advanced Placement in Grades 11 and 12 courses to enable students to go beyond the academic curriculum. AP courses introduce advanced concepts that help further prepare students for university-level courses.

University Preparation

Preparing our students for post-secondary education begins long before they are ready to graduate. We provide students with the tools and information they need to find post-secondary options and programs that are best suited to their interests and goals.
Our experienced guidance department works closely with every student to ensure they are prepared for their chosen path after high school. The choices students make are very personal and unique to their own goals and dreams.

Our guidance and career education programs help each student to gain greater awareness and understanding of themselves, their educational goals and career options. In addition, MacLachlan Diploma Advisors are accessible to students throughout the year and formally meet with each Grade 7-12 student twice per year to review their Individual Pathway Plan (IPP) and provide guidance and support towards their future educational goals.

We also assist students in the preparation of university applications, helping them to present themselves as authentically, confidently, and cohesively as possible. This process is often a significant learning experience for students and helps them to make sound and responsible choices for their next learning adventure. Our approach involves a collaborative effort between school, student, and parents to facilitate the successful transition to post-secondary studies and the responsibilities that come with adulthood.

MacLachlan College is also committed to teaching our students 21st Century Skills that are needed in high school and beyond, providing outdoor education experiences through the Duke of Edinburgh's Award program, and offering students the opportunity to travel and develop leadership skills through our Debating and Public Speaking, DECA, Prefect, clubs, and initiatives.

Ready to Get Started?

Embark on your journey with MacLachlan's renowned private school education today and uncover the distinctive MAC difference.


We know that to prepare future-ready individuals we must share and instill common values throughout the entire school community and permeate all of our activities with a core set of values.

Lower School

337 Trafalgar Road
Oakville, ON L6J 3H3, Canada
+1 (905) 844-0372

Upper School

Opening September 2024
2794 South Sheridan Way
Oakville, ON L6J 7T4, Canada