
MacLachlan College Students Embrace Adventure in Algonquin Provincial Park

In affiliation with the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award, our MacLachlan College students in grades 9 through 12 embarked on a breathtaking spring canoe trip. Their three-day adventure in Algonquin Provincial Park was filled with excitement, personal development, and discovery!

During this trip, our students embraced the Round Square IDEALS and made remarkable discoveries about responsibility, problem-solving, commitment to sustainability, inquisitiveness, courage, self-awareness, compassion, teamwork, tenacity, inventiveness, and communication.

Challenges were met with resilience as they sharpened their problem-solving skills, nurtured their leadership qualities, and embraced sustainable living practices. They also delved into traditional wilderness survival skills, fostering a profound connection with nature.

The memories created and the growth achieved on this journey will stay with our students forever. We're immensely proud of their resilience, teamwork, and unwavering spirit of adventure!


We know that to prepare future-ready individuals we must share and instill common values throughout the entire school community and permeate all of our activities with a core set of values.

Lower School

337 Trafalgar Road
Oakville, ON L6J 3H3, Canada
+1 (905) 844-0372

Upper School

Opening September 2024
2794 South Sheridan Way
Oakville, ON L6J 7T4, Canada