News Detail

John Nicholson

John's Story

I work in the field of applied geomatics as a land surveyor. Our team works throughout the Ottawa region, collecting local and georeferenced data points for cadastral and topographic surveys. As a student, I never really figured out what area I wanted to stream into, but I am very happy with where I have ended up professionally. Being outdoors and working in a profession that combines both mind and body has been perfect for my health. Perhaps later on I'll settle into a role more inline with my education in GIS and analysis, but who knows?

I studied at Queen's University in Kingston. I took an eclectic array of courses during my • time at Queen's and ended up completing my Bachelor's degree in Human Geography, a discipline suited to students with broad interests. Recently, I completed requirements for an applied graduate program with Ryerson University and will attend convocation in June. These studies were focused in Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis. I plan to continue graduate schooling come the spring of 2023.

MacLachlan was a big part of my life starting from the 5th grade and onwards. My sister and I both grew up there and were given support to match our individual needs. I was always a very keen learner, if not entirely enthused by the structures of traditional education. MAC educators worked to understand my unique needs as a person and to provide me with support during hard periods in my life. Those fostering relationships continue to this day, and I often think back to time spent in that old, beautiful building.

MAC is valuable for the extracurricular opportunities that it offers to its students. If financially tenable, I recommend taking advantage of programs like the Duke of Ed. or the regularly offered service trips to developing nations. It depends on the student, but I feel that the most important education a young person will receive occurs outside of the classroom.


We know that to prepare future-ready individuals we must share and instill common values throughout the entire school community and permeate all of our activities with a core set of values.

Lower School

337 Trafalgar Road
Oakville, ON L6J 3H3, Canada
+1 (905) 844-0372

Upper School

Opening September 2024
2794 South Sheridan Way
Oakville, ON L6J 7T4, Canada
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