
Celebrating Audrey Hadfield: A Pioneer in Education for Women's History Month

As Women's History Month unfolds, it's essential to shine a light on the remarkable women who have paved the way for change and progress in various sectors. One such trailblazer is Audrey Hadfield, the visionary founder of MacLachlan College, whose dedication and innovative approach to education have left an indelible mark on the community of Oakville and beyond. 
From Humble Beginnings to Educational Excellence 
In 1978, Audrey Hadfield embarked on a bold journey to transform the educational landscape. With just a small space above a storefront on Lakeshore Road in downtown Oakville and eight students, Audrey initiated what was destined to become one of the most exceptional private schools. This modest start was the seed that grew into MacLachlan College, now a flourishing institution with 350 students at its Trafalgar campus, located at 337 Trafalgar Rd. 

Audrey's vision was clear and revolutionary: "to provide a continuum of highly personalized education as an alternative to the regular school system." She understood that to make a significant impact, it was crucial to acknowledge and respond to the uniqueness of every child. This belief has guided the ethos of MacLachlan College, ensuring that the school not only educates but also transforms lives by catering to the individual needs of its students. 
A Family Partnership and the Transformation of Education 
The evolution of MacLachlan College into a family partnership in 1980, with the support of Audrey's husband, Colin, marked a pivotal moment in the school's history. Together, they transformed the "Grand Old Lady of Trafalgar," a historic mansion, into the vibrant educational institution that MacLachlan College is today. This transformation was not just physical but symbolic of the innovative and inclusive educational environment they aimed to create. 
A Legacy of Innovation and Courage 
Approaching its 45th year, MacLachlan College stands as a testament to Audrey Hadfield's fearless pursuit of educational excellence. She was a pioneer at a time when women entrepreneurs were few, embodying the spirit of determination and innovation. Audrey's leadership extended beyond the confines of MacLachlan, as she served on the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) board and contributed to the broader community of independent schools, creating pathways for not just MacLachlan but for private education in the area. 

Her biggest piece of advice — to be fearless in all pursuits — reflects the ethos with which she approached every challenge. Audrey's goal was not just to revolutionize education within her school but to influence the landscape of private education, ensuring that children received the support and opportunities they needed to succeed. 
Honouring Audrey Hadfield's Legacy 
As we celebrate Women's History Month, Audrey Hadfield's story is a beacon of inspiration. She has demonstrated that with vision, courage, and relentless pursuit, it is possible to create lasting change. Audrey's legacy is not just in the bricks and mortar of MacLachlan College but in the lives of the students who have walked its halls, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make their mark on the world. 

Audrey Hadfield's journey from a small storefront to leading one of the most respected private schools is a powerful reminder of the impact one individual can have on the educational system and society at large. Her contributions to education and her community set a precedent for what is possible when passion meets purpose, making her a true pioneer to be celebrated during Women's History Month and beyond.


We know that to prepare future-ready individuals we must share and instill common values throughout the entire school community and permeate all of our activities with a core set of values.

Lower School

337 Trafalgar Road
Oakville, ON L6J 3H3, Canada
+1 (905) 844-0372

Upper School

Opening September 2024
2794 South Sheridan Way
Oakville, ON L6J 7T4, Canada
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